My 5 cents

Change for the green

Low-cost Dr.Web migration programme

Here you can change your license from another vendor for a Dr.Web license.

Use for 2 years at a price of one — an entire year of protection for free! Migrate to a one year licence at 50% discount

Terms of migration

More about terms of migration

Select how you want to migrate:

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CureNet! lounge

charles sterling CISSP
2012.04.06 18:33

I've just learned of your presence and due to the MAC botnet discovery. I'm interested in exploring your products further and have interest in mobile protection as well. I'm a HTCIA and Infragard member with an array of security concerns in our global mobile environment. First concern is to opening Country Blocks in firewalls to access products / updates (rules to create).
Would be a hard sell to utilize services other than the most common solutions.
Any feedback is appreciated.

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